Issue 42 was published in Summer 2001.

Scanned image of Issue 42 cover
Table of contents:
Housewives’ choice — Delilah Campbell revisits The Feminine Mystique in the era of the domestic goddess
World Trade Organisation — Liz Kelly reports on the current reality of sex trafficking
Modestly radical? — Srimati Basu on the Bengali women’s magazine Sananda
It’s life, Jim… but not as we know it — Carol Morley has mixed feelings about Big Brother, Popstars and the rest of the ‘reality TV’ boom
Bully for men — Deborah Lee explains why workplace bullying should not obscure the continuing problem of sexual harassment
Uncivil institutions — Debbie Cameron reviews Gender and Discourse, Clare Walsh’s new book about women in public life
The grand delusion — Julia O’Connell Davidson listens to the self-deluding stories men tell about why they use child prostitutes